Friday, March 25, 2011

Guppy Fish Care tips

In the aquarium, Guppy made it look decent beauty body movements, especially the beauty of colors that match the body of a man with a charming warrants reflection. Ornamental fish are often used to decorate your home or office space. place intended as a remedy to relieve stress for the viewer.

Tank and accessories
Container in the form chosen for the movement and beauty aquarum fish color pattern can be clearly seen from the outside. Accessories can rock, snails, water plants, and other objects. aquatic plants can be used to hide the kids and fish can increase the amount of oxygen dissolved in the afternoon. Save the water plant is given. While the stone used as decoration aquarium has a variety of shapes and colors. We recommend that the stones in choosing colors and sizes according to the color and size of fish is on the screen.

Guppy Fish Choses

The physical condition of fish to be shown it is absolutely necessary when buying fish. sick fish are usually reluctant to move. If berenag, all fin-sirpnya will not grow. Kusamakibat reduce mucus in the body color outside the body. If there are parasites attack the gills, gills usually become swollen.


Eating for Guppy as a screen, other than fish can maintain a decent life, and to maintain and enhance the color quality of fish. There are 2 kinds of fish, artificial and natural. Bait is closely related to water pollution. There are several considerations in providing food for the fish is relatively limited given the view maintenance. The shape and nature of a good feed of fish for display must be in accordance with the opening of the mouth of the fish, contain adequate nutrition, have an attractive color, such as fish, stable in water, and safe for fish. feed given in the afternoon, morning and night. The number of fish that should be provided in accordance with the needs and number of fish. Avoid eating too much bad karma would only contaminate or pollute the water.

Water Repacement

As a screen, replacing the water does not need to be done every day. This is because the tools exist to filter impurities, called filters. The filter works by suction and water pressure systems. These filters work processes can occur Karnadi Help by pump or aerator.

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