Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Additional information and knowledge about Guppies

Many people ask how to control the population Guppy. There are few easy solutions; Using a divider, separating female from male guppy (meant as keep them in two different fish tank), a local shop selling fish to your pet, using as a fish feeder Guppies, introducing natural predators that will eat cooking, or give to someone who Guppies save, say, a fish Oscar, Jack Dempsey Cichlids, fish heaven or so.

As Guppies are not very good jumpers, it is impossible to find them on the carpet or floor, but still people ask how long the water can get out alive Guppy. More people, more answers. Some specimens may live 10 minutes, while others are only five, and some could make it to one hour. The problem is that the longer Guppy is out of the water, causing more damage. It can last 10 minutes, but you never know whether the fish will make it through the following night. In terms of my experience up to 5-6 minutes to be safe.

People also ask how much water do you need a Guppy. There is no right answer, but still a Guppy per one liter is not good. I recommend a minimum of five liters per Guppy.

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