Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Guppy Breeding Technique

Cross-in: This is basically maintaining pure strains. Fish kept closely linked and brothers and sisters, fathers and children are routinely raised. A breeder will do this sometimes to improve the properties, such as color or shape. Mostly, you take the best men and women of the drop and breed them. Doing this can give a beautiful fish over the years, provided the fish that you start with a quality and you're lucky enough to choose not hanya most attractive fish, but to choose fish as breeders who do not have a weakness for this unseen, will appear in the form of genetic defect, it is often only viewed as the result of "too much inbreeding." Take great care in selecting breeders; times a strong body is the most desirable properties to maintain a strong inbred lines.

Breeding Line / Line Crossing: This method is also a form of inbreeding, but here you start by keeping the fry from two females (either from you or selected a new trio of seeds from the drop a) separate, so that they form two separate lines. Because you can not mix up a batch, this requires more tanks. The best way is to select a breeder is different for each row, for example, in one row, you can pursue a large body mass, and with others, you can concentrate on finnage. The goal is to help maintain your established strain, because every line is different and more relevant; also, you can have your own two lines to cross over occasionally. If you want to increase the size of your fish, for example, or create an outcross to avoid cross too much, mengambil orang another line to do this with the risk and you can lose your line properties that you've worked hard to achieve, serta kualitas homozygous loss of your guppies.

Crossing Out: This is the opposite of his relatives - the mating of fish that are not related to the other. This creates what is called a "hybrid" Guppy. "Hybrid" power can be seen in an extraordinary size of fish, color, and health. Genetic patterns of parents rushed / mix, and the fish will be good for show but not for breeding. An outcross with the fish itself was only a few generations ahead of outcross can produce a beautiful fish for several generations, but the pattern will turn them loose genes eventually become like Guppy fish, small native wild are usually sold as feeders in pet stores. Although this is, of course, how the new strain is produced, it takes a lot of time and knowledge of genetics to create a pure strain. Thus, not recommended for beginners to attempt to repair strained trans out.

Most breeders stick with line breeding and do our best to choose fish to breed that has characteristics that they think will enhance their dialogue, while keeping their guppies breed pure.

It is important to remember that guppies react differently with various methods of treatment, water conditions, and the breeding method. What works for one person may not work for you when trying to breed fish the exact same line. Each strain varies in it own needs and pace of development, as well. It takes years of attentive care and analyze the development of techniques to find out what works for you and your guppies. Guppy is what makes this fascinating hobby breed! reference http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Breeding.html http://guppyplace.tripod.com/index.html

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