Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Guppy fry development

Perhaps, before your female Guppy giving birth, you should consider what would you do with the fry. You must decide several things. Do you want to be associated with many seeds are born monthly? If not, consider talking with local stores to see if they will take Guppy fry. In the U.S., it customery for Local Fish shop to take a good fry for trade or monetary payment. Pet supply stores do not take for trade or for monetary payment. Infact, they will take your cooking, but only as a donation from your side. So, check your local phone book for Aquarium stores and check first. Many other countries require you to have a license to sell fish, so check with your area of law.

If you decide to raise the young fry, trying to make a few tanks to let the fry begin to grow in and out of each tank immediately, before young people come so the tank can cycle before fish are added. Do this ride "fishless" either by ammonia cycling (adding 3 drops of ammonia per day until nitrite forms), or by taking water from the existing tank and filling the new tank with all siphoned debris and water. debris from ammonia which started cycling, and any water provided from the existing tank will have some nitrifying bacteria already in it providing a quick start for the nitrogen cycle. If possible, exchange filtration m media from an existing tank to a new tank so the process would be accelerated.

In a frying tank, you must close any suction device with a material to stop the seeds from being sucked to filtration. I suggest you find some fine bridal tulle or netting and cut a piece to cover suction tube and hold in place with rubber bands. Some suggest using nylon stockings, which you can use until you find the net, but I do not recommend using all the time because it will interfere with filtration process. Fry tank can be a simple tank, meaning all you have to provide is filtration, heating and lighting. I do not have any type of gravel in my fry tanks as this allows very easy cleaning of the tank. Like fry mature and are separated, then I place gravel and plants in a larger tank for them to continue to grow. Set the temperature to 80F if possible to allow maturation and then as the age of fries, you can reduce the temp back to 78F.

After the new tank cycling when the level is zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and nitrate is 40ppm or less, then you can add the fry. You should feed fry several times per day. If possible during the first four weeks feed them as often as time will allow. Some feed fry 5 times per day. The first four weeks of their lives into the body building and muscle. Tropical flake food grinding powder to feed the fry. That would be great if you are able to hatch brine shrimp to feed fry several times per week. The baby brine shrimp provide a source of nutrition to enhance fry color. Do not use color as an increase shale shale does not provide correct vitamins the seed needs to grow well.

At the end of the first four weeks, cooking began to develop into sexual guppies male or female. At the age of six weeks, they become sexually active. So, between four and six weeks, you may want to consider separating the fry into groups of women, men. Do this by taking one fish out at the time and put in small containers with water from the tank and with a magnifying glass to see whether gonopodium or places still buried. More often it is better to see the place of the pregnant female. Mix ups can happen and not to worry because the fish will be chosen out put into the correct group. This is only a little less to worry about what you would do with the seed of all the young females if you decide to separate them.

Between the ages of six weeks and six months, you should consider putting some of the seed bed because of defects in some fry. This is a procedure called culling which means to take the bad fish. Most shops will take the seed be destroyed from your hand, but do not expect anything in return, because they are doing you. See pages about putting fish to sleep.

At the age of six months which was then considered an adult guppies. So, you still have to find someone to take them. A donation on your part at this age is considered highly recommended, but think about all the effort you put into improving frying. If the local fish stores will not trade or pay for your efforts, consider asking that their distributors and get names and phone numbers. Distributor Check to see if they'll take you fishing.

Distributors pay more money for bigger fish. That is, if the week four cooking too much to handle, the distributor will carry them, but probably only for a few dollars. But if you wait til they are six months, you will probably get 50 cents per fish. Same applies to trade or receive payment from a local fish store. The bigger the better. Remember to check with your area of law. Reference http://www.aquariumhobbyist.com/guppies/fry.html

1 comment:

  1. Very good article, even translated from another language (I think?? Or just strange terms for things) :)


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