Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guppy breeding guides

Very few people who are not fascinated by this interesting, and decided to keep and breed high-quality guppies. The Guppy are often found in beginner aquariums and is one of the most popular live bearers . Many Guppy loose interest when they switch to the more delicate species of fish, but Some even started producing guppies Guppy show for competition. Guppies are very far from robust, no-nonsense Guppy sold to beginner with the name "Common Guppy" most fish stores.

Through many generations of selective breeding, the wild Guppies evolved into what we now refer to as "fancy Guppy." Guppies reproduce happily in custody, but if you want to create high-quality strains of guppies you have to devote much time and energy to this project.

This how to make breeding guppies tips.


To start with, make sure that you have high-quality fish to start with. If you walk into your local fish store and buy some guppies cheap enough that they offer you a beginner aquarium will most likely end up guppies not so good. Guppies can serve as excellent pets for novice fish keepers, but they are not a good basis for high-quality strains of guppies. Should also be noted that many fish stores sell "Guppy spouse" where the fish come from completely different strains. The best way to get high quality suitable for breeding purposes Guppy is to contact breeders reputation and purchase high-quality specimens from him. This will save much time and effort as you will have the main specimen from the beginning. If you fail to find a good local auction there are several reputable breeders Guppy can be found online that will provide fish by mail order.

Once you find a reputable breeder, buy a young couple. Disability risk increases if you let the old breed Guppies. Guppies old men also have been known to reproduce the problem.

Before you perform selective breeding, it is important to develop a plan. Many misguided breeding program in the hands of aquarists falter. Set a goal to start with, such as increasing the size and add color. Then decided to breed a number of generations to focus on size, before shifting to focus on color. If you have decided to focus on the size, do not suddenly choose fish, small fish as a parent just because it shows a nice color. If you really can not stand the idea of not proliferating, colorful fish, it is advisable to make a separate spawning aquarium where you can focus on perfecting the color without affecting your first breeding program.

Crowding can cause stunted growth. Do not store more than 8-12 guppies in a 10 gallon (approx. 40 L) aquarium. Unless you have lots of friends to dismantle the guppies, you will be forced to choose each batch of fish to keep the number below.

Water Quality
Ideally do small water changes once a day, instead of one big weekly. Maintain water quality and at the same time avoiding rapid changes as desired.

Standard recommendations for Guppies is 65-68 degrees F (18-20 degrees C), but spawning in the aquarium you must increase the temperature to 74-78 degrees F (23-25 degrees F).

Guppies really young micro worms and can be fed newly hatched shrimp brine. Young will appreciate the brine shrimp are larger and live feed.

You better give several small servings of fish per day from one or two big. If you want your Guppies to grow larger as possible, it is important to feed them a lot during the first few months of their lives because this is when they go through a period of rapid growth.

Choose wisely for every generation of parents
Do not let your Guppies breed randomly. Choose your male and female best and only allows them to breed. Harem breeding is not recommended. Collect the best specimens of batches 1-2, and then move to the next generation.

Guppy Choosing the right Male
Some breeders Guppy automatically allow the first male with a maturity to breed, but this is not recommended. The first male is not likely to be the best one, and it is also true that the first Guppy reach sexual maturity rarely grow as large as males mature more slowly.

Choosing the right Female Guppy
The woman who was not necessarily the best looking women, because you need women who will produce offspring that large - including the big boys. Any Breed your various women for good men the same and increase the different batches separately. In this way, you will know the kind of woman that you should choose for future generations. Use the type of females that produce male Guppies best.

Related strains
It is advisable to store related strains Guppies. Too much interbreeding can be dangerous for the tense, because it was a good idea to occasionally cross the two related strains. We recommend using Guppy strains associated with the same color. Interbreeding will produce a high percentage of fish with disabilities, such as hernias or fish with crooked spines. Low fertility rate is also a warning sign of too much interbreeding.

With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk
If you want to breed Guppies highest quality, you must be patient. Improving the quality of strain is a slow and gradual process, and sometimes can easily forget the long series of small improvements have been achieved from generation to generation. (Photographing is a good way to remember!) Roughly speaking, you can not expect more than 50-10 percent of every batch has the potential to be even better than their parents. Choosing the right fish for the future development and provide you with a heart Guppies ideal is therefore very important.Source http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/livebearer/notso.php

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Guppy fry development

Perhaps, before your female Guppy giving birth, you should consider what would you do with the fry. You must decide several things. Do you want to be associated with many seeds are born monthly? If not, consider talking with local stores to see if they will take Guppy fry. In the U.S., it customery for Local Fish shop to take a good fry for trade or monetary payment. Pet supply stores do not take for trade or for monetary payment. Infact, they will take your cooking, but only as a donation from your side. So, check your local phone book for Aquarium stores and check first. Many other countries require you to have a license to sell fish, so check with your area of law.

If you decide to raise the young fry, trying to make a few tanks to let the fry begin to grow in and out of each tank immediately, before young people come so the tank can cycle before fish are added. Do this ride "fishless" either by ammonia cycling (adding 3 drops of ammonia per day until nitrite forms), or by taking water from the existing tank and filling the new tank with all siphoned debris and water. debris from ammonia which started cycling, and any water provided from the existing tank will have some nitrifying bacteria already in it providing a quick start for the nitrogen cycle. If possible, exchange filtration m media from an existing tank to a new tank so the process would be accelerated.

In a frying tank, you must close any suction device with a material to stop the seeds from being sucked to filtration. I suggest you find some fine bridal tulle or netting and cut a piece to cover suction tube and hold in place with rubber bands. Some suggest using nylon stockings, which you can use until you find the net, but I do not recommend using all the time because it will interfere with filtration process. Fry tank can be a simple tank, meaning all you have to provide is filtration, heating and lighting. I do not have any type of gravel in my fry tanks as this allows very easy cleaning of the tank. Like fry mature and are separated, then I place gravel and plants in a larger tank for them to continue to grow. Set the temperature to 80F if possible to allow maturation and then as the age of fries, you can reduce the temp back to 78F.

After the new tank cycling when the level is zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and nitrate is 40ppm or less, then you can add the fry. You should feed fry several times per day. If possible during the first four weeks feed them as often as time will allow. Some feed fry 5 times per day. The first four weeks of their lives into the body building and muscle. Tropical flake food grinding powder to feed the fry. That would be great if you are able to hatch brine shrimp to feed fry several times per week. The baby brine shrimp provide a source of nutrition to enhance fry color. Do not use color as an increase shale shale does not provide correct vitamins the seed needs to grow well.

At the end of the first four weeks, cooking began to develop into sexual guppies male or female. At the age of six weeks, they become sexually active. So, between four and six weeks, you may want to consider separating the fry into groups of women, men. Do this by taking one fish out at the time and put in small containers with water from the tank and with a magnifying glass to see whether gonopodium or places still buried. More often it is better to see the place of the pregnant female. Mix ups can happen and not to worry because the fish will be chosen out put into the correct group. This is only a little less to worry about what you would do with the seed of all the young females if you decide to separate them.

Between the ages of six weeks and six months, you should consider putting some of the seed bed because of defects in some fry. This is a procedure called culling which means to take the bad fish. Most shops will take the seed be destroyed from your hand, but do not expect anything in return, because they are doing you. See pages about putting fish to sleep.

At the age of six months which was then considered an adult guppies. So, you still have to find someone to take them. A donation on your part at this age is considered highly recommended, but think about all the effort you put into improving frying. If the local fish stores will not trade or pay for your efforts, consider asking that their distributors and get names and phone numbers. Distributor Check to see if they'll take you fishing.

Distributors pay more money for bigger fish. That is, if the week four cooking too much to handle, the distributor will carry them, but probably only for a few dollars. But if you wait til they are six months, you will probably get 50 cents per fish. Same applies to trade or receive payment from a local fish store. The bigger the better. Remember to check with your area of law. Reference http://www.aquariumhobbyist.com/guppies/fry.html

Guppy Breeding Technique

Cross-in: This is basically maintaining pure strains. Fish kept closely linked and brothers and sisters, fathers and children are routinely raised. A breeder will do this sometimes to improve the properties, such as color or shape. Mostly, you take the best men and women of the drop and breed them. Doing this can give a beautiful fish over the years, provided the fish that you start with a quality and you're lucky enough to choose not hanya most attractive fish, but to choose fish as breeders who do not have a weakness for this unseen, will appear in the form of genetic defect, it is often only viewed as the result of "too much inbreeding." Take great care in selecting breeders; times a strong body is the most desirable properties to maintain a strong inbred lines.

Breeding Line / Line Crossing: This method is also a form of inbreeding, but here you start by keeping the fry from two females (either from you or selected a new trio of seeds from the drop a) separate, so that they form two separate lines. Because you can not mix up a batch, this requires more tanks. The best way is to select a breeder is different for each row, for example, in one row, you can pursue a large body mass, and with others, you can concentrate on finnage. The goal is to help maintain your established strain, because every line is different and more relevant; also, you can have your own two lines to cross over occasionally. If you want to increase the size of your fish, for example, or create an outcross to avoid cross too much, mengambil orang another line to do this with the risk and you can lose your line properties that you've worked hard to achieve, serta kualitas homozygous loss of your guppies.

Crossing Out: This is the opposite of his relatives - the mating of fish that are not related to the other. This creates what is called a "hybrid" Guppy. "Hybrid" power can be seen in an extraordinary size of fish, color, and health. Genetic patterns of parents rushed / mix, and the fish will be good for show but not for breeding. An outcross with the fish itself was only a few generations ahead of outcross can produce a beautiful fish for several generations, but the pattern will turn them loose genes eventually become like Guppy fish, small native wild are usually sold as feeders in pet stores. Although this is, of course, how the new strain is produced, it takes a lot of time and knowledge of genetics to create a pure strain. Thus, not recommended for beginners to attempt to repair strained trans out.

Most breeders stick with line breeding and do our best to choose fish to breed that has characteristics that they think will enhance their dialogue, while keeping their guppies breed pure.

It is important to remember that guppies react differently with various methods of treatment, water conditions, and the breeding method. What works for one person may not work for you when trying to breed fish the exact same line. Each strain varies in it own needs and pace of development, as well. It takes years of attentive care and analyze the development of techniques to find out what works for you and your guppies. Guppy is what makes this fascinating hobby breed! reference http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Breeding.html http://guppyplace.tripod.com/index.html

Additional information and knowledge about Guppies

Many people ask how to control the population Guppy. There are few easy solutions; Using a divider, separating female from male guppy (meant as keep them in two different fish tank), a local shop selling fish to your pet, using as a fish feeder Guppies, introducing natural predators that will eat cooking, or give to someone who Guppies save, say, a fish Oscar, Jack Dempsey Cichlids, fish heaven or so.

As Guppies are not very good jumpers, it is impossible to find them on the carpet or floor, but still people ask how long the water can get out alive Guppy. More people, more answers. Some specimens may live 10 minutes, while others are only five, and some could make it to one hour. The problem is that the longer Guppy is out of the water, causing more damage. It can last 10 minutes, but you never know whether the fish will make it through the following night. In terms of my experience up to 5-6 minutes to be safe.

People also ask how much water do you need a Guppy. There is no right answer, but still a Guppy per one liter is not good. I recommend a minimum of five liters per Guppy.

Guppy Reproduction

A pregnant Guppy approximately 26 days
A Guppy fry in an aquarium at the age of one week
Guppy standards

Guppies are livebearers very productive. Guppy gestation period is 21-30 days, with an average of 28 days, varying according to the temperature of the water. After the female Guppy inseminated, a dark area near the anus, known as a place of bunting, will enlarge and dark. Just before birth, the eyes of the seed can be seen through translucent skin in this area.

Guppies prefer water temperatures around 27 ° C (81 ° F) for reproduction. The Guppy females have a drop of between 200-100 fried, usually ranging between 5 and 30. From the moment of birth, every seed is fully capable of swimming, eating, and avoid danger. After childbirth, women are ready for conception again within a few hours. Guppies have the ability to store sperm, so that women can give birth many times, after only one farm with men. If not separated, the older, adult guppies will eat fry, so the use of breeder box, net breeder, or a separate 20-40 liters (4-9 imp gal; 5-11 USgal) tank is recommended. Live plants can be used as hiding places for fry.
Young fry take about three or four months to reach maturity. In the aquarium, they usually eat fine flake food, baby brine shrimp or, unless they are incorporated into a separate tank, eating food from adults. In addition, they bite the alga.

Guppies have been bred selectively to produce a variety of colors and patterns. In the wild, male guppies are black or dull brown color with a few flecks of gray while the women are completely boring. The wild guppies that show the most color in each generation were bred to produce "fancy guppies" we see in pet stores today.

Guppy has been successfully hybridised with various types of molly (Poecilia latipinna / velifera), for example. Guppy male and female bitch. However, hybrids are always males and seemed fertile [6] Guppy has also been hybridised with the Endler's livebearer (Poecilia wingei). To produce fertile offspring. Refference http://wikipedia.org

Information about guppies Fish History

Guppy by scientific name 'poecilia reticulata' found by Robert John Lechmere Guppy, an Englishman, in Trinidad in 1850. Since then the name of Guppy used as a popular name for this fish.

Guppy fish called 'a thousand' because this fish is very easy and quick to multiply. Guppy nature have also been used as a tool to eradicate the malaria mosquito larvae. His ability to eat mosquito larvae proved to be effective to reduce the development of malaria. Until now natural Guppy can easily be found in ponds, ditches and small rivers. Guppy besides known as an easy fish to breed fish also has the nickname 'rainbow' because of the diverse color patterns, and many new styles that emerged during intercross.

Think of something unique, something only possessed by you in this world. Something unique that may rarely can you get, but with Guppy intercross it becomes possible. Many people look at one eye on the Guppy. They consider the Guppy is the kind of fish is cheap and meaningless at all. But with Guppy you can make other people admire about you. So no wonder so many Guppy breeders in this world are competing to create a new style of Guppy.

One of the other historical. For you fans of guppy fish, maybe some do not know about the discovery of guppy fish aja .. If so please read its history here ..
These fish species have actually been discovered in 1856 by a German scientist named Wilhelm Peters. But in 1866, again found guppy with a more varied color longer than that found previously by RJL Guppy. He found the fish that he'd never seen before. This fish was caught his attention that he felt it necessary to send specimens to the British Museum curator named Albert C. L. G. Günther. After review, this fish was a new species and named "Girardinus guppyi" as a tribute to RJL Guppy who had sent him. though it has been found previously, but this fish is more popularly known as the guppy fish. Sampi So now these beautiful fish-tailed tiny fish called guppy. Jd tau current Qta that the name of guppy fish taken from the name of the inventor.

According to Wikipedia
Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionsfish is a species of freshwater fish of the most popular in the world. Small part of the family Poecilidae (4-6 cm long female fish, males 2 ½ -3 ½ cm) and like all members of his family, these fish breed with childbirth. Generally, to distinguish the sex of guppy, for female non-colored tail and the body tends to large. But unlike males, the color on the tail clearly visible.

For ornamental fish, guppy beauty emitted from the tail is wide and varied body style. In fact, because of its beauty, it also guppy in the contest.
As the contest in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Japan and in our own country.
Not only that according to the recognition of Indonesian businessmen, they are if lg a trip to Thailand must be brought by-the guppy fish.