In general naming
guppy varieties can be classified on the basis, characteristics of the front of the body (upper body), the rear body (lower body), fin, base color and combination of them.
Naming the characteristics of the front or upper body body commonly known is platinum, metallic because of the color of platinum or metallic in the front body (chest), on the back of the body (lower body) is known names tuxedo, pink, white, blue Japan, the combined front and cobra rear body known pattern, while the fins are adjusted to give naming shaped like a delta, spades, fan, lyre, sword, swallow, and elongated dorsal ribbon, the color such as blue, red, white, yellow and pattern such as grass, Mozaic. Naming is the most commonly performed on the basis of body color like blue, red, black and eye color like an albino. Red eye color that already can be lowered to the next generation also called RREA (Real Red Eye Albino).
Sometimes the naming is given also on the basis of the country where the
guppy was first introduced such as Germany, Japan, and American because guppy lover of these countries crossed diligent and find the kinds of new
Well want to know how to different male n female:
1) Male Parent 
a. Having gonopodium (a bulge behind the pelvic fins), which is a modified anal fin in the form of a long fin .
b. Her slim body .
c. The color is brighter.
d. Dorsal fin is longer.
e. His head was big.
2) Female Parent
a. Behind the pelvic fins no gonopodium, but the form of siriphalus.
b. His body fat
c. The color is less bright.
d. Dorsal fin plain.
e. The head was pointed.
The types of the most popular varieties of guppy with pictures of guppiesCobra Guppy
Genes marked with a complexion like a cobra snake skin (snake skin) on the entire body of male guppy color combination of black, white or yellow. Very many who figured cobra guppy because this pattern is that since the first time can be identified. Changes in genes which are common on the type of cobra is known as lace. Lace gene has a style that is more subtle and complex. Because very easily crossed, cobra style can also be found in the female
Metallic Guppy
Naming refers to the color blue or dark metallic gray on the body of a male guppy. The most common is the type of Metallic Cobra which is a combination of genes and gene metallic cobra. They have to, and metallic-colored chest and rear body patterned cobra.
Japan Blue Guppy
Japan Blue type thought to have originated from wild guppy populations in Japan. Characteristics of this type is the sky blue male guppy, because other genes influence the color can vary from purple to turquoise. Recent developments of the kind Japan has generally Lazuli Blue is the color blue head and base of tail.
Pink White Guppy
The characteristics of this guppy is a type of white color pink tail. This species recently identified by the source of unknown origin. The color varies from pink to white. Color variants are beginning to have a tail with a red tinge, but this time more found with bright solid colors like blue and white.
Tuxedo Guppy
Genes tuxedo give your body a dark color the back (waist) like a black and blue, but his level of coverage vary. Generally cover the rear half of body guppy. Tuxedo genes in addition to providing coloring effects, also influence the size of the fin. Tuxedo tend to have larger fins.
Mozaic Guppy
Mosaic genes show pattern or wavy line pattern on the fin guppy. Its characteristic blue color pattern at the base of the tail and stretching to the tail fin. The pattern always has a regular arrangement of blue with dark blue with yellow or red. To maintain Mozaic gene is not easy, he must be crossed with other genes for gene produced a patterned Mosaic beautiful.
Grass Guppy
Grass is the development of Mosaic. Grass genes are shown from the pattern and dorsal fin tail guppy in the form of dot-dot of a point or knife smooth black or dark blue. Shape node grass turned out to provide different color, patterned grass blades appear fine on the grass while the red dots on the blue dot pattern grass. But now, both red and blue grass gress has subtle shades of dot points. At the beginning of the emergence of grass back fin transparent color so often called a glass grass
Leopard Guppy
Leopard characterized by thick dots scattered randomly on the fins dark blue to black. The possibility of gene varieties developed from the Mozaic, but can also be found in crosses between species with the type of cobra guppy a solid color. When this type is not too much because it is less so beloved by his hobbies.
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